Nikhil Patnaik

Hi, my name is Nikhil Patnaik. Ask me and I will tell you how to say it properly. I am from India and really miss the heat right about now. My favourite thing to do on campus is the late night hang session I have with my friends at moms. The reason I chose this class was to increase my understanding of education and the tools we use/should use to improve it.

Article 1
Want to study students who take part in sports and other extracurricular activities and those who do not and compare performances like GPA. This is important to me because I would like to investigate the myth that people who play sports do not perform well in class.
Article 2
Students who partake in recreational drugs and those who do not. Want to measure basic IQ and cognition. Want to see how much of a difference between the two groups and also want to see if age plays a factor.

Lit Review outline.

Aim: The useful and integrated use of humor in the classroom.

What is humor?
Humans greatest achievement and quality that separates them from any other living being. (Martha, 1978)
Humor is not only a tool for mediating playful activities but also to release tension, reduce one’s anxiety and appreciate the conflicting world. (Honig, 1988)
Stages In development humor- (Honig, 1988)
First stage- this stage comprises of laughs, body movements and smiling in response to tickling, direct body contact, and
Second Stage- This begins when symbolic actions are possible, using toys and pretending it is food.
Third Stage- Ability to use words to form jokes.
Fourth Stage – depends on growing ability and using language to describe or make fun of different aspects of life.
Fifth stage – double or multiple meanings for one word.
Sex Differences in humor

Learning- Methods and results of using those methods.
Achievement – Relate this to study and teaching methods
Anxiety – that is associated with all levels and academic tasks.
Humor and Learning
Humor as a teaching tool- to combat low self-efficacy, low levels of relatedness and
Current Study
Relationship between Achievement and Humor
Different humor techniques
Determining the best usage of humor, one type or a variety depending on the students.

Honig, A. S. (1988). Humor development in children. Young children, 43(4), 60-73.

Wolfenstein, M. (1978). Children’s humor: A psychological analysis. Midland Books.

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